--- title: "Monitoring Tor through Tor ControlPort with Telegraf and Grafana" description: "I found a python script written by bentasker that takes data from Tor ControlPort and converts it to InfluxDB format." date: 2022-06-18T02:34:36+07:00 lastmod: draft: false noindex: false featured: false pinned: false # comments: false series: # - categories: - SysAdmin tags: - Tor - InfluxDB - Telegraf - Grafana - Python images: # - # menu: # main: # weight: 100 # params: # icon: # vendor: bs # name: book # color: '#e24d0e' authors: - ditatompel --- Sometime, I get a problem when running **Tor** daemon under **Linux Container**, usually related to [AppArmor](https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/tor-inside-lxc-blocked-by-apparmor.57141/) after I upgrade the system. Meanwhile, my Tor service needs to be turned on all the time and reachable to all my *"workers"* who fetch `.onion` addresses listed on my [Monero remote node monitoring](https://www.ditatompel.com/monero/remote-node) service. <!--more--> Lucky for me, a few days ago I found a *python script* written by [bentasker](https://www.bentasker.co.uk/). The script takes data from **Tor ControlPort** and converts it to **InfluxDB format** (it also support relay / exit node metrics if you run one, cool isn't it?). It's very easy to set up, just [download tor-daemon.py](https://github.com/bentasker/telegraf-plugins/tree/master/tor-daemon) and follow the instructions given on that page and you're done. ## TLDR 1. Generate password hash using `tor --hash-password <your_secret_password>`. 2. Copy generated hash, enable Tor `ControlPort` and add (or replace) `HashedControlPassword` to your generated hash (don't forget to **restart Tor service** after you change `torrc` config). 3. Download [tor-daemon.py](https://github.com/bentasker/telegraf-plugins/blob/master/tor-daemon/tor-daemon.py) script and place it somewhere, edit `CONTROL_H`, `CONTROL_P`, and `AUTH` variable so it fit with your configured Tor `ControlPort` settings. 4. Add **Telegraf** `input.exec` configuration to trigger the script. Please read detailed information about how to configure and [monitoring the Tor daemon with Telegraf](https://www.bentasker.co.uk/posts/documentation/general/monitoring-tor-daemon-with-telegraf.html) on Ben's website (and I'm sure you'll love reading all the posts on his website, like I do). ## Resources - [https://github.com/bentasker/telegraf-plugins/tree/master/tor-daemon](https://github.com/bentasker/telegraf-plugins/tree/master/tor-daemon) - [https://www.bentasker.co.uk/posts/documentation/general/monitoring-tor-daemon-with-telegraf.html](https://www.bentasker.co.uk/posts/documentation/general/monitoring-tor-daemon-with-telegraf.html)