baseURL: title: ditatompel Insights # Copyright, the {year} is the placeholder of this year. copyright: "Copyright © 2022-{year} []( All Rights Reserved." defaultContentLanguage: en defaultContentLanguageInSubdir: true # disable this to remove the default language code from URL, i.e. /en/docs -> /docs. enableRobotsTXT: true timeout: 120s # images processing takes a long time, it's recommended to commit the resources folder for improve the build performance. enableEmoji: true permalinks: blog: /blog/:year/:month/:title outputs: home: - HTML - Offline # required by PWA module for displaying the offline pages. - RSS - SearchIndex # required by search module. - WebAppManifest # required by PWA module to make your site installable. rssLimit: 9 taxonomies: authors: authors # multiple authors. tags: tags categories: categories series: series build: writeStats: true # required by PurgeCSS. frontmatter: lastmod: - lastmod - :git - :fileModTime - :default markup: goldmark: renderer: unsafe: true highlight: noClasses: false lineNos: true lineNumbersInTable: false # see related: includeNewer: true indices: - name: keywords weight: 100 - name: tags weight: 80 - name: categories weight: 60 - name: series weight: 60 - name: authors weight: 10 - name: date weight: 10 threshold: 10 # for testing, increase it to suit your case. toLower: false security: funcs: getenv: - ^HUGO - CI$ - PWD