title: "Public API Monero Remote Node List"
description: "API documentation to search for monitored Monero remote nodes on www.ditatompel.com. You can filter based on nettype, countries and more."
date: 2022-01-29T23:40:26+07:00
draft: false
noindex: false
featured: false
pinned: false
# comments: false
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  - Monero
  - API
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# menu:
#   main:
#     weight: 100
#     params:
#       icon:
#         vendor: bs
#         name: book
#         color: '#e24d0e'
  - ditatompel

Since the Monero remote nodes that I monitor are increasing and my page that displays a list of Monero remote nodes **MAY** contains Google AdSense (where very likely track users behavior and interests), I decided to create an API endpoint so that power users / developers can use it without visiting my site.


## Updates

### Update 2024-01-31 (Breaking Changes)

- API endpoint moved from `https://www.ditatompel.com/api/monero/remote-node` to `https://api.ditatompel.com/monero/remote-node`.
- `x-ditatompel-rate-limit-*` headers removed, no rate limit for now.
- Indication "unchecked node statuses" in `data[].last_check_statuses[]` changed from `null` to `2`.
- Added into `json` field:
  - `data[].ip`, `data[].date_entered`, `data[].latitude`, and `data[].longitude`
- Removed from `json` field:
  - `success`
  - `data[].postal`

Diff: [013aa7d](https://github.com/ditatompel/insights/commit/013aa7db35edd28e72907d5786fcf8877a5a3e70#diff-a8f1b286fbca7e5d241e20d067c8b17a67b86cc142d10dc7cc23cbc9fcc0e332L139-L167).

Because I [refactoring my backend]({{< ref "/blog/rewriting-ditatompel-site-to-svelte-tailwind-and-go/index.md" >}}), there will most likely be another breaking changes in the near future.

### Update 2023-05-24
- I've add `cors` and `last_check_statuses` to nodes data record.

### Update 2022-05-10
- I've add `estimate_fee` to nodes data record which I get from [get_fee_estimate](https://www.getmonero.org/resources/developer-guides/daemon-rpc.html#get_fee_estimate) daemon RPC. This just fee estimation, moneromooo explain that malicious actors who running remote nodes [still can return high fee only when you about to create a transactions](monero-tx-fee-node.jpg).
- [selsta](https://github.com/selsta) create [pull request](https://github.com/monero-project/monero-gui/pull/3897) to add warning about high fee on official GUI conformation dialog.
- **The best and safest way is running your own node!**
- Nodes with 0% uptime within 1 month with more than 500 check attempt will be removed. You can always add your node again latter.

## Endpoint and Query Parameters
| Method | Endpoint                                          |
| ------ | ------------------------------------------------- |
| GET    | `https://api.ditatompel.com/monero/remote-node`   |

The response will display all the Monero remote node sorted from the highest percentage of uptime.

Optional query string parameters:
- `protocol`: Available options:
    - `http`: Return node using http RPC (including Tor network).
    - `https`: Return nodes using https RPC.
    - `tor`: Return nodes on Tor network.
- `nettype`: Available options:
    - `mainnet`: Return mainnet nodes.
    - `stagenet`: Return stagenet nodes.
    - `testnet`: Return testnet nodes.
- `country`: Filter nodes from specific country. Please use two-letter [ISO 3166-1](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2) country code.
- `orderby`: Default sorted from highest percentage of uptime. Available options:
    - `uptime-asc`: sorted from lowest percentage of uptime.
    - `lastcheck-asc`: sorted from oldest checked node,
    - `lastcheck-desc`: sorted from newest checked node (recently checked).
- `limit`: How many records should be displayed.
- `cors`: Filter nodes that have `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` header or not. Options:
  - `true` or `1` or the `cors` query string **is set**: Return nodes that have `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` header.
  - `false` or `0`: Return nodes that does not have `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` header.

For example, if you want to **list CORS enabled Monero nodes using https from United States sorted from recently checked node**:
curl -sL 'https://api.ditatompel.com/monero/remote-node?cors=true&protocol=https&country=us&orderby=lastcheck-desc' | jq

## Response Header
The response header includes the **HTTP status code** and the `content-type`. Clients that receive a HTTP status code other than `200` and `content-type` other than `application/json` must back-off.

## Response Body
The response body includes the information of the query result, query status, and response message. In the example below, the response body of:

curl -sL 'https://api.ditatompel.com/monero/remote-node?country=de' | jq

  "status": "ok",
  "message": "Query Ok",
  "data": [
      "hostname": "xmr-node.cakewallet.com",
      "ip": "",
      "port": 18081,
      "protocol": "http",
      "is_tor": false,
      "is_available": true,
      "nettype": "mainnet",
      "last_height": 3074012,
      "adjusted_time": 1706708935,
      "database_size": 193273528320,
      "difficulty": 255349054158,
      "node_version": "",
      "uptime": 99.95,
      "estimate_fee": 20000,
      "asn": 63949,
      "asn_name": "Akamai Connected Cloud",
      "cc": "DE",
      "country_name": "Germany",
      "city": "Frankfurt am Main",
      "latitude": 1.2868,
      "longitude": 103.8503,
      "date_entered": 1632724330,
      "last_checked": 1706708889,
      "last_check_statuses": [
      "cors": false
- `status`: *string*, `ok` means everything looks good.
- `message`: *string*, Information related to your query, *success* or *error* message if any.
- `data`:  *array* of nodes structure as follows:
  - `hostname`: *string*; The hostname / nodes IP address.
  - `ip`: *string*; The IP address of node, empty string if hostname is not resolveable (Eg.: TOR nodes)
  - `port`: *unsigned int*; TCP port the nodes is using to listen to RPC calls.
  - `protocol`: *string*; The protocol used by nodes to listen RPC calls. This can be `http`, `https` or `empty string`.
  - `is_tor`: *boolean*; whether the node is accessed through the Tor network.
  - `is_available`: *boolean*; whether the node is online or not. False may means node wasn't ready or my bots can't connect to nodes RPC daemon.
  - `nettype`: *string*; Network type (one of `mainnet`, `stagenet` or `testnet`).
  - `last_height`: *unsigned int*; Current length of longest chain known to daemon.
  - `adjusted_time`: *unsigned int*; Current time approximated from chain data, as Unix time.
  - `database_size`: *unsigned int*; The size of the blockchain database, in bytes.
  - `difficulty`: *unsigned int*; Least-significant 64 bits of the 128-bit network difficulty.
  - `node_version`: *string*; Vesion of remote monero node is running.
  - `uptime`: *float*; Uptime percentage of nodes for last 1 month. This likely **not** the real uptime value since my bots may experiencing network problems (I set connection timeout for 60 seconds).
  - `estimate_fee`: *unsigned int*; Amount of fees estimated per byte in atomic units. This just fee estimation, Malicious actors who running remote nodes [still can return high fee only when you about to create a transactions](monero-tx-fee-node.jpg).
  - `asn`: *unsigned int*; The AS number that owns nodes IP address, `0` if no information available.
  - `asn_name`: *string*; The AS name that owns nodes IP addres.
  - `country`: *string*; two-letter ISO 3166-1 country code nodes location, empty string if no information available.
  - `city`: *string*; City location based on nodes IP address, empty string if no information available.
  - `latitude`: *float*; Approx. latitude (geographic coordinate).
  - `longitude`: *float*; Approx. longitude (geographic coordinate).
  - `date_entered`: *unsigned int*, The Unix time when my bots start monitoring the node.
  - `last_checked`: *unsigned int*, The Unix time when was the last time my bot checked into a monero node.
  - `last_check_statuses`: *array* (size: `5`); last node avaibility status. Possible values:
    - `0`: Offline
    - `1`: Online
    - `2`: not yet checked.
  - `cors`: *boolean*, whether the node return with `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` header or not.
- `@meta`: *object*, Additional information related to API calls for debuging purpose.

>  You will get `200` response code, `ok` status, and **empty array** of data even if your query return no data.

> _**NOTE**: My API endpoint is behind Cloudflare reverse proxy, so it's still cost your privacy. Monero community suggests to always run your own node to obtain the maximum possible privacy and to help decentralize the network._