title: "Announcement: Permanently Shutdown Services and Public Nodes"
description: "I will permanently close my services such as the Monero Public Node (mainnet, stagenet, and testnet), Peertube and Mastodon as of June 25, 2023."
date: 2023-06-18T12:48:32+07:00
draft: false
noindex: false
featured: false
pinned: false
# comments: false
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  - Monero
  - Mastodon
  - Peertube
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#   main:
#     weight: 100
#     params:
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#         vendor: bs
#         name: book
#         color: '#e24d0e'
  - ditatompel

I will permanently close my services such as the **Monero Public Node** (*mainnet*, *stagenet*, and *testnet*), **Peertube**, **Misskey** and **Mastodon** as of June 25, 2023.


Dear Users,

I hope this announcement finds you well. It's been more than 2 years that I run Monero Public Node, Peertube, Misskey, and Mastodon instances. It is an honor for me to be able to run these services free of charge for the public, especially for the Monero community and users.

For the last few months, I have several problems in providing and maintaining these services, so I decided to permanently close these services. It's hard for me, but I have to.

There are various reasons that make me unable to continue to maintain these services alive:
1. I **want and need** to **have more time with someone I love the most**.
2. Regarding point `#1`, I don't have time to maintain these services anymore.
3. Reduce server costs that I have to spend.

The following services will be close permanently:
- `xmrnode1.ditatompel.com`, Monero `mainnet` Public Remote Node, including RPC and P2P.
- `tube.ditatompel.com`, Peertube instance.
- `sts.ditatompel.com`, Mastodon instance.
- `hey.ditatompel.com`, Misskey instance.

I will permanently close the services above as of November 5th, 2023. If you have ever registered on my Peertube, Misskey, and Mastodon instances, please download your data as soon as possible.

> _The Monero Remote Node checker service ([https://www.ditatompel.com/monero/remote-node](https://www.ditatompel.com/monero/remote-node)) still **continue to run as usual**._

I apologize and hope this announcement can be understood and well received, thank you.

