title: "New Archlinux Mirror in Indonesia"
description: "New archlinux mirror repository in Indonesia and it's Grafana monitoring metrics"
date: 2023-02-17T08:36:36+07:00
draft: false
noindex: false
featured: false
pinned: false
# comments: false
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  - Arch Linux
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#         vendor: bs
#         name: book
#         color: '#e24d0e'
  - ditatompel

Yesterday, on February 16th, 2023, I made a [feature request](https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/77542) so that my **Arch Linux** repository mirror can be added to the **official Arch Linux repository**. And now it's already listed on the [official Arch Linux mirror page](https://archlinux.org/mirrors/mirror.ditatompel.com/)! Yay! Thank you, [Anton Hvornum](https://bugs.archlinux.org/user/15638) and Arch Linux Mirror Team!


## Mirror Information
Location: **Indonesia Data Center Duren Tiga** (IDC3D) Jakarta, Indonesia (ID)

- `http://mirror.ditatompel.com/archlinux`
- `https://mirror.ditatompel.com/archlinux`

Bandwidth: **1Gbps**

At the time this article was written, `mirror.ditatompel.com` **synchronizes to the Tier 1 mirror every 2 hours**.

To use this mirror, simply add the following configuration to your `/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist`:
Server = http://mirror.ditatompel.com/archlinux/$repo/os/$arch
Server = https://mirror.ditatompel.com/archlinux/$repo/os/$arch

Alternatively, you can use the `reflector` package (`pacman -S reflector`) to search and generate the fastest mirror for you. For example:
reflector --verbose -l 10 -f 10 --sort rate

## Public Monitoring
For official mirrors, the **Arch Linux** website itself provides monitoring that can be accessed at [https://archlinux.org/mirrors/mirror.ditatompel.com/](https://archlinux.org/mirrors/mirror.ditatompel.com/).

However, I provide [monitoring for the mirror.ditatompel.com server through Grafana](https://monitor.ditatompel.com/d/mirror-ditatompel-com/mirror-ditatompel-com?orgId=2&refresh=1m), which can be accessed without having to log in / have an account on my Grafana server.