Run and use your own node! YOU MUST run and use your own node!
Run and use your own node! YOU MUST run and use your own node!
Run and use your own node! YOU MUST run and use your own node!
Run and use your own node! YOU MUST run and use your own node!
Run and use your own node! YOU MUST run and use your own node!
Run and use your own node! YOU MUST run and use your own node!
Run and use your own node! YOU MUST run and use your own node!
Run and use your own node! YOU MUST run and use your own node!
Run and use your own node! YOU MUST run and use your own node!
Run and use your own node! YOU MUST run and use your own node!
Run and use your own node! YOU MUST run and use your own node!
Run and use your own node! YOU MUST run and use your own node!
This commit accept IPv6 nodes submission.
When user submit new public node, the server will check IP addresses
from given hostname. If host IP addresses doesn't have IPv4, it will
be recorded as "IPv6 only" node.
Probers that support IPv6 may add `IPV6_CAPABLE=true` to the `.env`
Please note that this feature still experimental and may not being
merged to the main branch.
This is useful if we want to expose this service to the Tor network
because browsers usually refuse serving images from https protocol
to insecure http protocol.
This table used to store majority fee of monero nettype.
By calculating majority fee via "cron" every 300s, the function to
get majority fee for nettypes can be done with single query.
The frontend majority static data in the frontend removed and
now use `/api/v1/fees` endpoint to get majority fee value.
Note: Don't know if it works well with `onload` method or not. Let see.