/** @type {import('./$types').PageLoad} */ export async function load() { return { meta: { title: 'Monero Remote Node', description: 'A website that helps you monitor your favourite Monero remote nodes, but YOU BETTER RUN AND USE YOUR OWN NODE.', keywords: 'monero,monero,xmr,monero node,xmrnode,cryptocurrency,monero remote node,monero testnet,monero stagenet' }, links: [ { text: 'moneroworld.com', uri: 'https://moneroworld.com' }, { text: 'monero.how', uri: 'https://www.monero.how' }, { text: 'monero.observer', uri: 'https://www.monero.observer' }, { text: 'revuo-xmr.com', uri: 'https://revuo-xmr.com' }, { text: 'themonoeromoon.com', uri: 'https://www.themoneromoon.com' }, { text: 'monerotopia.com', uri: 'https://monerotopia.com' }, { text: 'sethforprivacy.com', uri: 'https://sethforprivacy.com' } ], stagenet: [ { label: 'P2P', value: 'stagenet.xmr.ditatompel.com:38080', key: 'snetP2P' }, { label: 'RPC', value: 'stagenet.xmr.ditatompel.com:38089', key: 'snetRPC' }, { label: 'RPC SSL', value: 'stagenet.xmr.ditatompel.com:443', key: 'snetSSL' } ], testnet: [ { label: 'P2P', value: 'testnet.xmr.ditatompel.com:28080', key: 'tnetP2P' }, { label: 'RPC', value: 'testnet.xmr.ditatompel.com:28089', key: 'tnetRPC' }, { label: 'RPC SSL', value: 'testnet.xmr.ditatompel.com:443', key: 'tnetSSL' } ], donation: { // You change donation address and qr image below if you run your own "instance" address: '8BWYe6GzbNKbxe3D8mPkfFMQA2rViaZJFhWShhZTjJCNG6EZHkXRZCKHiuKmwwe4DXDYF8KKcbGkvNYaiRG3sNt7JhnVp7D', qr: '/img/monerotip.png' } }; }